[VIDEO RECIPE] Garlic Soup Italian Style with Crispy Croutons

- "I know what you’re thinking, two heads of garlic, are you crazy! You can relax as the slow cooking of the garlic will dissipate the pungent flavor and leave a pleasing smooth note. This soup really has to be served with croutons or a slice of bruschetta, plus some coarsely chopped parsley for that freshness. A simple soup with amazing flavor and fantastic if you have a cold!". 

Ingredients: 2 medium potatoes, 1 brown onion, 1 large leek, 2 whole small heads of garlic (2oz - 60g each), 7 cups chicken stock, ½ tsp dried thyme leaves, ½ cup cream, ½ cup olive oil, 1 cup chopped parsley, 6 slices of rustic bread for croutons, salt and pepper.

Recipe30: "Quick and easy meals cooked at home. I help and encourage people to learn and enjoy the lost art of cooking at home. It's fun, it's healthier and can be cheaper. Plus you will get to travel with me on exciting food adventures".

[VIDEO RECIPE] Garlic Soup Italian Style with Crispy Croutons:

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